"Actor's Gym" taught by local actor, Jason Roth

Our Actor's Gym is a class that meets weekly, and allows actors of any skill level to work out. Whether you want to work on a monologue, cold read, scene work, a song, or just want to observe and hang out with other creatives! This class is here FOR YOU to work on whatever you want, in a supportive, creative, non competitive, and encouraging, environment.

First class is March 6th at 7:00pm with an optional warm up beginning at 6:30pm

The first few weeks of this class will be free of charge. After March 27th, there will be a fee required to attend the class. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the classes before the end of March!

Space is limited so please email Jason at: jasonroth22@gmail.com to be added to the list. You are not required to attend every class, but we do need to know how many people will be attending before each class.

**We are requiring proof of vaccination to attend the classes. We will be social distancing, but in order to keep everyone as safe as possible, we are taking the extra step of requiring vaccinations.

We hope you'll join us for this unique opportunity!